Electricity is an imperative reality of the contemporary world. It has proven to be the most valuable invention by humankind and has led to many more such innovations later on. The electricity supply industry in Oman has evolved with the need to enhance productivity and efficiency to make electricity accessible to all. The system has gotten more complex and is supported by several other components, such as transformers, ring main units, and transmission cables, among others, that guarantee the health of the electricity distribution system, compartmentalizing the whole system into three phases.

Power Generation, transmission, and distribution form the three phases of the electricity distribution system. Every stage comprises several components that act as a bridge to the next phase. Given the nature of the operation of the supply industry, it comes with its risks, Thus making safety an integral part of the electricity distribution system.

Power Generation, distribution, transmission, and safety in the electricity system

From power generation to transmitting electricity to the end consumer, all processes work in tandem. An establishment had been placed in Oman to provide energy efficiency and smart grid operations throughout the region, encompassing all three phases. The transmission acts as a node between the generation and distribution of electricity, while the distribution system acts as a bridge between the end consumer load and the transmission system.

Power generation

In this phase of the electricity supply industry, the generation voltage primarily lies between 11kV to 25kV. However, high voltage is stepped to a higher value, say 130kV, for efficient transmission of electricity from the power generating plants through the transmission. This is where transformers are essential and play a crucial role. They operate to change the voltage depending upon the need. In this case, a set-up transformer increases the voltage for transmission.


Transmission of electricity over long distances is made possible through transformers. They are critical to the electric power system, efficiently determining the mobility and supply to the end users. The transformers are electric devices that pass the AC from one circuit to another, which is as high as 25kV. While doing so, it changes the voltage of the current, which helps the transmission of electricity over a longer distance minimizing the waste of electricity during this process. The transformers increase the voltage that is stepping up while carrying electricity from the power plant. As the transmission lines carrying the current that is stepped up reach the distribution network, the distribution transformer reduces the voltage before taking them into the network. The transformer steps down the wind at the substations to enable them to distribute the electricity to the consumers who use it at low voltage. The transmission lines are laid underground, and there are also overhead lines depending upon the requirements. These lines carry the stepped-up current and are of high voltage ranging from 115000 Volts to 500000 Volts.

Oman has a vast network of transmission lines spread all over the region, which the Main interconnected transmission system or MITS manages. MITS hosts 85 grid stations connected through almost 7000 kilometers of circuit lines offering a large market for the transmission of electricity. The system has an established channel of transmission of electricity between the generators and the end users operating between voltage levels of 33 kV, 132 kV, 220 kV, and 400 kV. Thus quality components such as cables and transformers are imperative for this kind of operation.


The last perhaps the most significant phase of the system is electricity distribution. It is a combination of components that enables the consumption of electricity by consumers. Distribution feeders carry the stepped-down voltage from the substations to the distribution transformer. Here the current carrying capacity of the feeder is important to take care of through proper design. Electric power undergoes a final transformation through the distribution transformer. It is also otherwise known as a service transformer and is one of the most important components of the phase.

The distribution is undertaken in two stages. Primary distribution has comparatively high voltage and feeds the needs of high-voltage consumers and substations. At the distribution substation, the voltages come down to the range of 2400 Volts to 19,000 volts. It is further stepped down with the help of a distribution transformer to make it adequate for the end users. The distribution system varies depending on the topologies such as ring main unit, radial distribution system, and parallel feeder distribution among others.
This phase witnesses voltage changes that are frequent in the system, which risks the equipment’s and workers’ health.

Tls Oman offers an efficient range of components such as feeders and transformers that save and sustain workload load very well.

Safety in the electricity grid.

Transmission lines carry a high voltage range, which is hazardous to the equipment and workers. Instances of electrocution are possible due to high-tension cables transmitting electricity. Without proper safety measures and guards, these wires may seriously harm or injure the workers and also turn deadly.

In Oman transmission takes place on ranges of voltages and hence the system has been adopted to keep a check on the on-peak and off-peak periods to maintain the load in the system. It is done to ensure minimized instances of blackouts and monitor the dynamic aspect of the power system. This helps in providing safety to the equipment from failure and ensures longevity.

The risk is equally grave for the manpower at work in this sector such as high-tension cables used for transmission. The power plants have evolved and adapted best practices to provide a safe working environment and reduce the electric shocks which often turn deadly. In such instances, electric circuit breakers regulate the overload current. Grounding is another way to provide low resistance to the electric system and decrease the impact of the shock in case of failure. However, various risks persist, which need proper training and documentation from the employees.

Equipment lays a strong foundation for the grid. TLS Oman has a range of these instruments that enables quality in the system. The electric power system is evolving to be more sophisticated to increase productivity. Suitable quality components can ensure a longer lifeline for the design, reducing losses and fostering profits for expansion. TLS Oman can fill the gap with optimum services exclusively serving the electric grid system’s needs.

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